Objects: open cluster NGC 281, emission nebula Sh2-184 (pacman nebula)
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Coordinates (J2000): 00h 52m 59; +56° 37'
Remarks: NGC 281 is an open cluster surrounded by the emission nebula Sh2-184
Telescope and camera: ASA 10", f 3.6, Focal length 900 mm, SBIG St-8300M, 8x Filterwheel
Mount: ASA DDM 85, Software: Autoslew V5.1, Sequence V9
Exposure: H-Alpha24 x 10 min, Filter Baader H-Alpha 7nm, OIII18 x 10 min, Filter Baader OIII 8,5nm, SII18 x 10 min, Filter Baader SII 8nm
Total about 10 hours
Date and Conditions: August to September 2012 (2 nights) Engelhardsberg, Germany - stars to 5m2 (moon), Average FWHM 2,8" (CCDInspector V2.5)
Software used: acquisition: Maxim DL 5, Stacking: DeepSkyStacker 3.3.2, Processing: Adobe Photoshop CS4, PixInsight 1.7