Engelhardsberg observatory

NGC 7788 and NGC 7790

NGC 7790">

Full Resolution

Objects:  open star clusters NGC 7788 (right) and NGC 7790 (left)

Constellation:  Cassiopeia

Coordinates (J2000): 23h 58m; +61° 12' - North is up

Remarks: NGC 7790 contains about 75 stars and its distance is10.500 lightyears, NGC 7788 contains 48 stars

Telescope and camera: 16" Newton f/2.5, CDS-5D sensor temp -15°, ISO 1600

Mount: ASA DDM 85, Software: Autoslew V5.1, Sequence V9

Exposure: 20 x 5 min

Date and Conditions: September 06 2022, conditions pretty good, stars up to 5m6

Software used: acquisition: Maxim DL 6.16, Stacking: DeepSkyStacker 3.3.2, Processing: Adobe Photoshop CS6, PixInsight 1.8
